In the 21st Century, everything is changing including how we build our homes! Wood has become different from what used to grow in the past days. Due to climate change all around the world, we are no longer able to grow the same quality of wood as we used to. This has created an opportunity for us to discover and use other materials like the durable PVC Trim.
Ever watched a disaster movie and seen how a typhoon sweeps away the beach homes? Imagine the relief you would feel when you notice your beach home standing tall after such destruction. What a good feeling?
Sounds like a dream right? We saw dreams turned into reality when we experienced hurricane Irma in Islamorada, Florida. Most if not all the houses were flattened while others hanged on their stilts. Our durable PVC trim shocked many by standing firm in the midst of a huge storm. Being a beachfront house, it survived without any major damage.
Why choose our PVC trim?
- Guaranteed100% durability. Most builders refrain from using the common PVC because it does not last long but we are different. We offer free foam PVC! It is durable and versatile in size and in design options. It is an ideal product that offers a comprehensive exterior solution to home builders.
- Survives the toughest storms. The exterior PVC trim survived harsh hurricanes remaining untouched. The rafter tails, the brackets, soffit panels, and columns all withstood Mother Nature. The house only needed some cleaning in readiness for occupation immediately.
- Made from modern technology. Wood gets destroyed by pests, diseases, and rot. We saw the problem and realized the need to get a lasting solution. We created materials that could withstand such elements. Our PVC is enhanced with a new technology that contains free foam plastic. This free foam withstands both pests and the harshest environment.
- Offers flexibility and versatility. The PVC material we manufacture gives you the flexibility of scale and design than the traditional building materials – wood, foam or aluminum. Our materials are foldable into different shapes and sizes to for exquisite designs. Therefore, we are able to come up with a variety of designs in the modern coastal homes we have worked on.
- All our products do not rot with age. Unlike wood that grows old with time and rots, our PVC materials do not rot at all. This guarantees a long-lasting use in your homes something you won’t need to change all your life.
- We have a variety of products to offer you. By having a variety of products to offer, we ensure your home’s exterior look is attractive and steady. Our products range include PVC brackets, rafter tails, columns, louvers, and our incredible soffit system.
When you build with wood, you will have to deal with splitting, mold and rot. This will definitely cause you to repair from time to time. We offer you a lasting exterior building solution that is not affected by extreme weather conditions. It remains firm throughout your lifetime giving you value for your money!